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Ivy Removal, Land Grading, and Hardscaping in Morris, SC

Ivy Removal, Land Grading, and Hardscaping in Morris, SC

We performed a job was a great family in Moore, SC. They had a hill that was covered with ivy and was an eyesore. We removed the ivy and performed a land grading in that area before installing a retaining wall and sod. Eventually, we will need to come back as pine needles will soon be installed, as well as planting in the fall.

Thank you to the Emory family for trusting us with their landscaping needs. We look forward to being your preferred lawn care company for years to come!

If you're in the Morris area and are interested in upgrading your property's curb appeal with a professional landscaping, hardscaping, or pressure washing service, give your local team at Diversified Landscape Solutions a call and we'd be happy to come to you, and get the job done!

Location: Moore, SC

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